Technology Acceptable Use Policy
The Augusta Independent School District provides students and staff with a service called the Network. The Network is a computer service, which includes the use of computers, servers, software, Internet and E-mail. These procedures also address the use of stand-alone computers, peripherals, telephone usage and other instructional technology equipment.
In addition to providing students with the understanding and skills needed to use the Network and telephone services in an appropriate manner, the Augusta Independent School District:
- Reserves the right to monitor telephone use, all computer use or lack of use and all activity on the Network.
- Reserves the right to deny access of the Network to any individual.
- Shall establish procedures that will maximize the Network system security.
The following standards for student and staff access to the network will be as follows:
- Network access throughout the district is to be used for instruction, research, school administration and reasonable, non-work related communications. District access is not to be used for private business.
- Instructional staff will select and guide students on the appropriate use of Internet and instructional software on the Network.
- The district will be responsible for supervising network use. Auditing procedures are in place to monitor access to the network. The district web filter will be monitored and updated in accordance with the federal legislation, Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA: 47 U.S.C. 254), KY Senate Bill 230, and KY KAR 5:120.
- However, the district cannot continually monitor every communication and network session for every student and staff member beyond the scope of supervision defined in the user agreement.
- Internet access and supervision from outside the district premises is the responsibility of the parents or guardians.
- Users should not reveal their full name and personal information (address, phone number, financial information, social security number, etc.) or establish relationships with “strangers” on the Network, unless the communication has been coordinated by instructional staff.
- Staff will not reveal a student’s full name or post a picture of the student or the student’s work on the Network with personally identifiable information unless the parent has given consent.
- The content of any district web page is the responsibility of the sponsoring staff member who hosts the page.
- School-related clubs and organizations that wish to establish a web site must be a part of the school’s web account or receive permission through the district technology leadership to utilize a third-party web site.
- Non-instructional chat rooms may not be included on any school web account.
- Be polite. The use of appropriate language shall not include vulgar or abusive messages.
- Attempting to disrupt communication on the network by creating or downloading computer viruses or destroying data of others is a form of vandalism.
- Passwords are private. Do not allow others to use your password. Do not use another user’s password or trespass in folders, work or files of others.
- Use of the Network that offends or tends to degrade others will not be allowed.
- Do not attempt to gain unauthorized access to resources and entities.
- Do not install or use any unauthorized software or hardware to any district computers system or Network.
- Do not use the Network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts.
E-Mail Usage
The Office 365 e‐mail solution is provided to staff and students by the district as part of services from Microsoft. By signing off on the signature sheet, you hereby accept and agree that your child’s rights to use the Office 365 e‐mail service, and other Office 365 services as the Kentucky Department of Education may provide over time, are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in district policy/procedure as provided and that the data stored in such Office 365 services, including the Office 365 e‐mail service, are managed by the district pursuant to policy 08.2323 and accompanying procedures. You also understand that the Office 365 credentials provided to staff and students can also be used to access other electronic services that provide features such as online storage and instant messaging. Use of those Microsoft services is subject to Microsoft’s standard consumer terms of use (the Windows Live Service Agreement), and data stored in those systems are managed pursuant to the Windows Live Service Agreement and the Microsoft Online Privacy Statement. Before your child can use those Microsoft services, he/she must accept the Windows Live Service Agreement and, in certain cases, obtain your consent.
Students and employees of the Augusta Independent School District are prohibited from using district resources to establish Internet E-mail accounts through third party providers (Gmail, Yahoo mail, etc.). Only Kentucky Education Technology Systems email (also known as Office 365) can be used. Personal e-mail accounts should not be utilized in the district network.
Staff and Student Owned Computing Devices
The Augusta Ind. School District continues to improve network services. Where wireless network access is available, students and staff may be permitted to use personally owned devices, when deemed appropriate. The following conditions must be addressed prior to AIS allowing access to any personal device: Security, including virus protection; network stability; liability for personal property; repairs and upgrades.
Any student of staff member who brings a personally owned computer or other technology device to school shall be personally responsible for the safety and security of the equipment, and shall therefore be responsible for any damages to those devices. No privately owned device shall be granted access to the AIS network without authorization of the AIS district technology staff. Any device that connects to the internet is considered via wireless connection is considered a technology device. Any device that operates via any operating system is considered a computing device. Student owned devices connecting to the AIS network wirelessly may be granted internet access only. All internet traffic shall be logged and filtered through the district policy.
Any software residing on a privately owned computing device is the sole responsibility of the owner and must be personally owned and legally obtained. AIS shall not be responsible for determining whether software residing on privately owned devices is legal. Anti-virus software is the responsibility of the owner and must be updated to meet the minimum requirements of the district. Any device failing to meet anti-virus standards will be denied access to the AIS network. Any personal software residing on student or staff owned devices that interfere with the AIS network may be removed by the district technology staff; alternately, the technology staff may remove the device from the network until such software is removed.
Repair and maintenance of student and staff owned devices is the sole responsibility of the owner. District owned internal components may not be added to personally owned devices. Any damages incurred to personally owned devices as a result of use on the AIS network are the responsibility of the owner. The privacy and security of any item stored on or transmitted by personally owned devices is the responsibility of the owner.
For all privately owned computing or technology devices in Augusta Independent Schools, the AIS District reserves the right to:
- Monitor and log all activity
- Determine when and where the use of such devices is permissible
- Determine whether specific uses of these such devices are consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy and Discipline Handbook
- Determine whether use of these devices or network resources is appropriate
- Install additional management software and/or apply permission or security policies to such devices
- Remove the user's access to the network and/or terminate the right to use personally owned equipment in district facilities if it is determined that the user has engaged in unauthorized activity or has violated the Acceptable Use Policy.
Telephone Usage
Telephone calls are available primarily to provide two-way communication with the school office and for contact with parents.
Students may use the school office telephone when there is a legitimate need such as: calling parents to arrange transportation, delivery of medicine or clothes, or similar rare circumstances.
Instruction will not be interrupted to transfer calls except in emergencies.
The personal use of cell phones by students during the school day is prohibited. Staff may utilize cell phones during instructional time only for educational/professional purposes.
All guidelines contained within this AUP governing inappropriate language apply to telephone usage.
Internet Safety Education
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Augusta School staff to educate, supervise and monitor appropriate usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy, the Children’s Internet Protection Act, the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.
Students will be educated annually about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyber bullying awareness and response. The implementation of this provision is delegated to the District Technology Coordinator who shall report annually to the building principals on the educational activities undertaken to comply with this subsection.
Following receipt of this training, the student will acknowledge that he/she received the training, understood it, and will follow the provisions of the District's acceptable use policies.
Student/Parent/Guardian Infinite Campus Portal Use
Augusta Independent offers Infinite Campus (IC) Portal access to parents/guardians and students as a means to enhance communication and to promote educational excellence. IC Portal allows parents/guardians to view their own child’s school records online, anywhere, anytime. In order to have access to the site, every parent/guardian and student is expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. The IC Portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the AISD.
Disciplinary Action
- Student discipline for violation of any part of these procedures shall be based on the number of and severity of the infractions.
- Student disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the loss of any or all computer privileges, termination of the user’s account, and removal from the class with a failing grade and/or suspension/expulsion. Privileges will be reinstated at the discretion of the district administrators.
- Discipline of staff may involve actions up to and including termination of employment.
- Parents, guardians and/or perpetrators may be billed for damages to technology resources.
- Illegal/criminal activities will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency
Student/Parent Acknowledgement
As a student signing the Student/Parent Acknowledgement, I understand and will abide by the Augusta Independent School District’s Acceptable Use Procedures for school-owned devices, the Network and Telephone Usage. I further understand that any violation of the regulations stated in these procedures is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action may be pursued.
As a parent signing the Student/Parent Acknowledgement, I have read the district Acceptable Use Procedures for school-owned devices, the Network and Telephone Usage with my child. I understand that access to the Network is designed for educational purposes. The district/school has taken precautions to eliminate controversial material; however, I recognize it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial materials. I will not hold the district/school responsible for materials my child acquires on the Network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision when my child’s use is not in a school setting.
Also, by signing the Student/Parent Acknowledgement, the Augusta Independent School District has permission to photograph your child and use his/her name and photograph for purposes including but not limited to educational video, local media outlets, school web site, and school social media accounts.